Wednesday 25 September 2013

What to Look for When Inspecting Your Roof?

Fixing a severely impaired rooftop can cost a fortune. In this case, prevention is definitely better than cure. That would involve acute vigilance in monitoring the condition of the roof throughout the year. Although basic roof inspection mandatory doesn't involve specialized assistance, however, it is safe to get some good Roof Inspection Services help you once in a while. Merely walking along the perimeter of the roof might show some signs of decay but professional help is needed for the damages which are not visible until it is too late. Some of the possible signs are mentioned below.

Washed Out Granules
The shingles are generally coated with small bits of granules. Either due to aging or due to endless heavy downpour, some of the granules may get washed away and might get dumped on the ground. If a large amount of deposits is found then it might be that the roof is wearing out too fast.Sometimes, even whole shingles get swept away by rains. Examining the eaves troughs for granular residues helps immensely.

Black Lines
Climbing to the top of the house is neither recommended nor viable frequently. Binoculars however can help detect some signs on the roof even if one doesn’t go up all the way all the time. Making a sweep of areas under the roof would help in looking for black streaks, if any. These might have been caused by some flow of water pouring down, which had carried with it some shingle granules, or dirt, or debris from the roof. Waterproofing is primarily caused by these granules. When these are washed away, some of the shingles start absorbing water and also curl when they get dried up. Water then finds several entry points through the available vulnerable spots and moisture eventually causes massive issues. The sizes and numbers of these dark streaks visibly indicate the degree of the damage.

When shingles get deformed, it generally implies that they have lost the ability to safeguard from the rains. Additionally, their changed shape makes them susceptible to being blustered away by strong winds for the period of particularly forceful storms. During winter months, snow can seep inside cracks and some other open spaces. Disregarding these issues would just increase the chances of water trickling into the foundation of the roof and there it can cause great devastation.

It is conceivable to point out shingles that might have been broken into pieces or are just missing from their usual spots on the rooftop. These bare spots present convenient passages allowing rain to exploit at ease. New shingles can help in protecting the vulnerable spots.

Sometimes, the differences are negligibly visible. However, if some of the area is covered in moss, it is the same. It just indicates that the shingles have been soaking up enough water to let the moss thrive. Asphalt shingles are proven to be more resilient than wooden shingles in this matter.

When to Call a Professional
The above mentioned signs of damage can serve as cues for house owners for analyzing roof issues by themselves. However Roof Replacement Services can also be required if the damage reaches an uncontrollable extent. To know whether a Repair or a Replacement is required, professional help is solely recommended. It is also advisable to consult two or more Service Providers to have an optimized choice in terms of service, cost and output.

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